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The Video Business Card
Your 24/7 Digital Business Card

Video Business Card

Realtor Connie Talcott Smith

The video business card is the digital version of an elevator pitch.  Perfect for an online meeting, it delivers the most important parts of your business style and personality.

Video Biography

Proffitt Mngt. Solutions


A video biography showcases customer reviews in order to tell the story of a business encounter through a customer's eyes.  It also includes a first hand look into the business culture and your special skills. 

Midas - Project Spark


Tear down those layers of red tape by developing a visual medium that educates, entertains and delivers a transparency that will resonate with your customers.

Video Biography

Dr. Mark Hall

Written reviews are important, but by transforming them into this kind of fast paced visual medium, you're able to extend your audience reach.  Get ranked on the top of YouTube and Google by running video ads at an extremely cost effective rate while you build your S.E.O presence.

Veritas - Kids Yoga Class


By combining the strategy of creating custom videos with delivery methods such as social media, search engine optimization, direct email, blog creation, your business can grow and build direct communication with a unique customer base.

Event Video

Alzheimer's Walk, Boca


What better way to promote your event then by showing the world how great it is.  Highlight videos of events give you a powerful tool for promoting, sharing the message and thanking your participants for making it so special.

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